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The Week Calendar Mode feature in Super Filter allows users to view and select weeks from a calendar-style layout. This mode presents weeks within a month, making it easier to focus on specific weekly data.
Add Date data to the category field in Visualization pane.
Set the Selection Style to Calendar under Date Filter in format pane.
Under the Calendar Section, change the Calendar Mode to Week in the format pane.
When Month Mode is selected, the calendar displays the month view by default, based on the selected Calendar Initial Date.
The months are displayed as rows, with the number of weeks in each month shown as columns.
Each week is represented by its corresponding week number.
Click on a specific week to filter data for that week. Click on a month to select and filter all weeks in that month.
Use the double arrow buttons to navigate between years of the week calendar mode.
Week Prefix: Adds a custom prefix to the week numbers displayed in the calendar. Example: "Week 1", "Wk 2", etc.
Display Week Number: Hides the week numbers for a cleaner and more minimal calendar view.
This mode is ideal for week-specific filtering and offers flexibility for customization based on user preferences.