
Inforiver will have a new version released every three months. You can read more about the each new version in the blogs. You can find the link below.

Inforiver Blogs

To upgrade your Inforiver deployment to the latest version, follow the steps below.

Upgrade Inforiver App Service:

As a first step you have to upgrade the App Service.

  • Login in to the Azure Portal.

  • Go to Inforiver Resource Group

  • Click on the App Service and go to Deployment Center.

  • Fill the following details.

    • Registry Source: Private Registry

    • Server URL: https://turing.azurecr.io

    • Login: InforiverRead

    • Password: Docker Password that you get while deployment

    • Full Image Name and Tag: turing-api:OPV<version number>. eg: turing-api:OPV1.8.0.0

  • Press the save button in the top.

This will upgrade the Inforiver App Service to the latest version automatically. After upgrading, please add/update/delete the environment variables by following the page below.

Make sure that you have added the required environment variables with the appropiate values after upgrading.

Upgrade Container Instances:

To upgrade all the background containers in the Inforiver, please follow the steps below.

  • Open Azure Portal and click Azure CLI in the top toolbar.

  • Type the following command after replacing the required variables in the bracket.

az container export -g (RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) --name (CONTAINER_INSTANCE_NAME) -f output.yaml
  • Download the output.yaml from the Azure CLI.

  • Open the file in your favourite text editor like notepad

  • Replace the existing version with the new version that you intend to upgrade.

  • Remove the IP Address block from the file by running the command from below

sed -i '/ipAddress:/,/type: Private/d' output.yaml
  • Add the Password Field under the Image Container block.

  • Now upload the updated file to the Azure CLI

  • Now execute the below commands to delete and create the container instances once again.

az container create -g (RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) -f output.yaml

Upgrade Custom Visual:

After upgrading the Azure components, it is time to update the Power BI Custom visual. For this please follow the steps mentioned in the below page to generate the new latest build.

Custom Visual Generation

Last updated