Find and Replace

EDITable also has the 'Find and Replace' option to find a specific text or value and its occurrences in the table and then replace it with another text or value in one or more instances. Search for the exact text/value you are looking for using the search options like 'Match Case' and 'Match entire cell contents'.

  1. Click Replace in the toolbar.

  1. Enter the text/value to be searched in the 'Find' text box and the text/value that will replace it in the 'Replace' text box.

  1. In the 'Column' dropdown, select 'All' to search in all columns, or select the column from which the text must be searched.

  2. Click Find Next to locate the first occurrence and subsequent occurrences one by one.

  1. Click Find All to locate all occurrences of the text/value at once.

  1. Similarly, click "Replace" to replace the selected occurrence and "Replace All" to replace all occurrences.

Search Options:

Match Case: Check this box to find and locate only if the case of the entered text matches the data.

Match entire cell contents: Check this box to highlight the occurrence only if the entire cell content in the table matches the entered text.

Last updated