Transaction Logs
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The Transaction Logs section provides comprehensive details about all transactions made to the tables. This feature is crucial for auditing, tracking changes, and ensuring data integrity.
The transaction details include the following:
Transaction ID: Unique identifier for each transaction.
Table Name: Name of the table involved in the transaction.
Database Name: Name of the database where the table resides.
Source Name: Name of the data source (Azure SQL, Snowflake, etc.)
Transaction Type: Type of transaction, which can be Insert, Update, Delete or SCD Update (Slowly Changing Dimension Update)
Row Count: Number of rows affected by the transaction.
Duration: Time taken to complete the transaction.
Status: The transaction's status, whether successful or failed.
Started By: Name of the user who started the transaction
Started At: Date and time of the transaction.
Users can look for a specific transaction using the search and filter options available here.
Search by Transaction ID: Search for specific transactions using their unique Transaction ID.
Filter by Transaction Type: Filter transactions by their type (Insert, Update, Delete, SCD Update, SCD Delete).
Filter by User (Account Name): Filter transactions based on who initiated them.
Filter by Table Name: Filter transactions based on the table name where they were performed.
Filter by Source Name: Filter transactions based on the data source.
Status: Filter transactions based on their status (success or failure). You'll find this under the 'More' option.
Under the 'More' option, you'll have two more filters, as below:
Start time: Filter transactions within a specific date range.
Job Type: Filter transactions by job type, whether they are direct transactions or have gone through an approval flow.
Remove Filter: To remove a specific filter, select the 'Clear' option from the relevant selection dropdowns. To clear all filters, select the Reset All option.
You can export and download the transaction logs to an Excel or CSV file.
Click on the Export option.
Choose the file type you want to export and the logs' date range.
Click on Export and then Download to download the file.
When you click on a specific transaction/job, you will be taken to a page with detailed information about the transaction, as shown below.
You'll also be able to view the completed milestones in the transaction.
Milestone: A milestone represents the stages of the job's progress. It is divided into levels, with each level giving the user a clear indication of the job's advancement. Within each level, there are multiple events or sub-milestones.
Sub-milestones: These are a collection of smaller activities or tasks that, when completed, help to achieve an individual milestone. The sub-milestones help to break down larger milestones into more manageable steps, allowing for more detailed progress tracking while still contributing to the overall goal.
Let's take an example where we track the status and progress of the initiated transaction.
In case of failed transactions, the above details help in understanding in which stage the issue actually occurred.
For failed jobs, an additional tab called 'Error Details' becomes available. This section includes information about the errors that occurred during the job run.
This page has search and filter capabilities similar to any log, allowing you to find and filter specific error details.
You can copy the error message using the one-click copy option or download the error log by clicking Download Logs.