Import rows
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Last updated
It can be a tedious process to manually insert or update several rows. In such cases, you can import the data directly from an external file.
EDITable allows you to insert and update multiple rows at once by importing CSV or Excel files. The rows are updated based on matching primary keys from the file.
To import new rows, click Import on the toolbar that opens the 'Import from file' pop-up.
There are three options to choose from: 'Insert' to just insert new rows; 'Update' to update existing rows; and 'Insert and Update' when you need to insert new ones and modify the existing ones.
a) Insert: Select the 'Insert' option to only insert the new rows from the uploaded file.
b) Update: Select the 'Update' option to update only the changes.
c) Insert and Update: Use this option to insert new rows while also updating any changes to the existing records.
After choosing from one of the options above based on your requirement, select Click to Upload to upload an Excel or a CSV file.
Select the required file from the systems folder.
Click on Upload.
We have used an example that includes both inserting and updating rows. In the preview, you can see that the changes are denoted in blue, while new rows are indicated in green. Click Import.
You can see the success toast message. In case of any errors, you can view the log by clicking on View log.
The table has been updated with changes and new rows.
Ensure the XLSX/CSV file that you import contains the necessary primary key fields and other mandatory fields configured in the 'Manage Columns' section.
The maximum number of new rows that can be inserted at once is 20000.