1. Build your first Inforiver report

This guide is designed to get you up and running with Inforiver Matrix & Enterprise as quickly as possible. If you have not already installed Inforiver, see the install guide here. The datasets used throughout the guide can be downloaded below. You can also use your own datasets and follow the steps outlined.

Inforiver Datasets.pbix

1. Add the visual

The first step to using Inforiver is to add it to the Power BI canvas. Click on the Inforiver icon in the visualization pane. Resize it to fill the entire screen.

Inforiver can be used with other native and custom Power BI visuals, but throughout this guide, we will be using Inforiver in full-screen mode for the best experience.

To start building reports in Inforiver,

a) Use the Launch Wizard (optional) and

b) Start assigning the data

The Launch Wizard is used to configure the initial report view by applying customizations such as theme, templates, and subtotals/totals. These changes can also be made once the data is assigned.

2. Launch wizard

a) Once you expand to full screen, you can see the 'Get Started' section in the Launch Wizard. Click on 'Start building'.

b) The customization screen opens up. You can apply a template such as financial, change the subtotal position, enable/disable grand total and apply a light/dark theme.

c) As you configure, the changes get reflected in the preview screen.

Once you have made the desired configurations, you can start adding the data as explained in assign data.

3. Assign data

Similar to using a pivot table, to use the visual you need to specify 3 things:

  • Rows

  • Columns (optional) and

  • Values

If you’ve used pivot tables before, this experience should feel familiar. Or if you have experience with Power BI, then this process is identical to any other Power BI visual, especially a table or matrix visual.

In the below image, Region hierarchy, Category & Year and Sales have been assigned as Rows, Columns & Values respectively.

You can see that the canvas shows a matrix based on the data assigned. Notice that the position of subtotals and grand totals that were defined in the Launch Wizard have been applied.

You can also add dimensions like category or region in the Values(AC) section or in the PY/PL/FC sections. Special characters in the data like % or # symbols will be supported and displayed as is.

Inforiver Enterprise requires the report creator's sign-in while creating the report. Without creators signing in, other users will be able to view the report but will not be able to save any changes made to the report. Interactions with the report would mimic using a free version of Inforiver

In the next section, we'll be covering how to display information using Inforiver.

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