Select destination(s)

Here you can select the destination(s) to which you want the send the reports. The scheduled reports can be exported to any of the following destinations: Email, OneDrive, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Google Drive.

By default, the email option is chosen in the destinations section.

Inforiver provides the capability to export any filters or bookmarks that have been applied to the report, to the chosen destination.


If this option is set to 'Filter', a new input field becomes available right next to the drop-down. In this field, you can specify the queries to filter the report.

Hover over the '?' icon to find help links on how to use filter/bookmark

Click the 'Add new' option to add a new filter/bookmark.


You can select the bookmark option to include the configured bookmarks in the scheduled reports.

The bookmark option is disabled by default and becomes available only if you have added bookmarks to the report

A bookmark has been created for the report as shown in the image below.

The bookmark option will be available if you have added and configured a bookmark in your report.

Once you select the bookmark option, the second drop-down gets populated with all the configured bookmarks in the report.

Bulk Upload

You can also bulk upload a CSV file containing the filters and bookmarks applied on the report. Click the 'Bulk upload' option. This will open up the bulk upload modal as shown in the image below.

Click the 'Upload' button or drag and drop to upload the CSV file with the recipient's details.

The CSV file requires the following details:

  1. Email ID: Email ID of the recipient of the report if the selected destination is Email.

  2. Filter: If a filter is applicable, use the format: <Table name>/<Field name> eq 'Value'. Consider a filter applied to select US regions only. If the name of the table is 'Region' and the name of the field is 'Country', the filter value should be Region/Country eq 'US'.

  3. Bookmark: The name of the bookmark, if applied.

  4. Name: A relevant name for the filter or book applied for destinations like Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive.

While uploading, ensure that the csv file used for bulk upload is not open in any application.

Download sample

Click 'Download sample' to download a sample CSV document to understand how the uploaded CSV file should be structured. The image below displays the structure of the download sample CSV file for Emails:

The image below displays the structure of the download sample CSV file for OneDrive/Teams/SharePoint:

In the next sections, we'll explore the configuration options for each type of destination.

Last updated

Change request #480: Date Formulas