Scenarios (Enterprise only)

Inforiver Enterprise offers the ability to create new scenarios in edit and read modes based on an existing series for ad-hoc analysis. Once a scenario is created, you can either simulate or perform allocations on the native measures.

Scenarios are interactive and can be edited unless it’s explicitly locked. They can be created in both reading and edit mode and can be shared with other users. You can writeback all or specific scenarios and enable automatic writeback if required.

1. Create a scenario

To create a scenario you need to log in with your Microsoft 365 account

You can create a new scenario by clicking the 'Create scenario' button under the 'Insert' tab of the Inforiver toolbar.

Clicking this option will open up a 'Create scenario' modal. This modal has a general tab and a permissions tab.

The general and permission settings can be edited later after the creation

i) General

Under the 'General' tab, you can configure the general scenario options and properties. You will find the following two options under this tab:

Scenario name - In this input field, you can specify the name of the scenario

Include series in scenario -This field by default has all the metrics added. You can however add or exclude the series you want in your scenario.

Start period and End period - Here you can specify the starting and ending periods of the scenario

ii) Permission

Under the 'Permission' tab, you can configure the scenario permissions.

In the Who can share the scenario section, you can see the following two options:

i) All users within your company domain - If this option is selected, then all the users within your company domain will be able to share the created scenario

ii) Specific users within your company domain - Selecting this option will allow only the specified users to share the created scenario. If this option is selected, the 'Add users' input field becomes available. You can specify the email id of the people who can share this scenario in this input field.

Once all the permissions and settings are configured, click 'Create' to create a scenario.

2. Create a scenario in reading view mode

Creating a scenario in reading view mode follows the same procedure as the edit mode.

But there is one additional step, you need to enable the 'Scenario tab' in the 'Allowed User Controls' modal. You can learn more about configuring the allowed user controls modal here.

3. Configure scenario

If a new scenario is successfully created, you will see a 'Scenario' tab in the Inforiver toolbar.

The scenario tab has the following options to configure the scenario-related settings:

i) Create scenario

This option lets you create a new scenario. Clicking on this option will open up the 'Create scenario' modal. You can learn more about how to create a scenario here.

Alternatively, you can click the '+' icon next to your current scenario tab to create a new scenario.

ii) Scenario settings

This option lets you edit the previously configured scenario settings. Clicking this option will open up the 'Edit scenario' modal.

In this modal, you can configure the general and permission settings.

If you want to lock your scenario, enable the 'Lock scenario' checkbox. A locked scenario cannot be edited.

iii) Input method

Inforiver offers two types of input methods: simulation and distribution.

a) Simulation

If you choose the simulation input method, each cell will have a simulation slider. You can calibrate the slider to adjust the value and simulate changes. Once simulations is performed, you can track them below the toolbar.

b) Distribution

Using this method you can distribute the value across descendants.

iv) Show variance

If you enable this option, you will see the percentage of variance to the left of the data metrics.

v) Slider settings

If you click the 'Slider settings' option, the 'Variance settings' modal will open up.

This modal has the following options:

a) Series - Displays the name of the series in the scenario

b) Increase is good - This toggle is enabled by default. If this is turned on, then the percentage increase will be displayed in green. If this option is disabled, then the increase in value or percentage will be displayed in red.

c) Value range - In this field, you can configure the maximum value of the range. The default is 100%.

vi) Copy to base scenario

You may perform simulations on different scenarios before arriving at the most optimal option. Any simulations on Data Input measures/columns in a scenario can be updated to the base scenario using the Copy to Base option.

In the below scenario, the measure 2023 Forecast is created by adding a new measure to the report. The simulations on the 2023 Forecast in Scenario2 will be reflected in the report after selecting the Copy to Base option.

On selecting Copy to Base, a dialog box opens up which contains the list of columns that will be exported.

On clicking on the Proceed button, the simulations in the scenario for 2023 Forecast have now been updated in the report.

vii) Edit/duplicate/delete

To edit, delete, or duplicate a scenario - click on the additional options menu icon that appears on hovering over the name of the scenario and select the relevant option.

viii) Style Formatting the Scenarios

You can manually format the newly created scenarios using the cell and value formatting styles or the column styles as well as copy the style from the Base or any other existing scenarios.

The image below shows Scenario 1 created from Base.

To copy the style formatting from the base or any other scenarios, select the format painter and choose Copy style formatting from scenario -> Base or select any Scenario name to copy its style.

The image below shows Scenario 1 with the style format copied from the Base.

In the next section, we'll look at budgeting and allocations.

Last updated

Change request #480: Date Formulas