LOV from semantic models

For the Single select and Multi-select columns, a list of values (LOV) can be created from your Power BI semantic models or other dimensions like Master Data reference fields. The options are dynamically updated as the source data changes.

1. Creating a LOV from a semantic model

Let's create a LOV from the dataset for a multi-select column. We'll create a multi-select field to assign a subregion.

STEP 1: In the multi-select column side panel, click on Semantic model to open the Add options from semantic model dialog box.

Semantic model option

STEP 2: Select the Power BI workspace from the 'Workspace' dropdown. You can also search for a specific workspace.

Select the workspace

STEP 3: Select the semantic model and the table from the respective dropdowns. Click Next.

Select the semantic model
Select the table - Acme Region Master

STEP 4: From the Label Column dropdown, you can choose the column from the table (selected in Step 3) which will be used to populate the multi-select options.

You can associate the options with an ID by selecting the ID Column. For example, if the multi-select shows a list of product names, you can tag them to a product ID field (if available in the data model). The multi-select options will not be impacted even if the product name changes, as the Product ID field remains constant.

If an ID field is not available in your dataset, use the Label Column as the ID column.

Selecting the column to source the multi-select options

You can assign regions from the multi-select dropdown after completing the steps discussed above.

Multi-select dropdown sourced from the dataset

2. Using joins and filters


The base data in our visual may be from one table, but the options in the dropdown can be from a different table. The join option comes in handy in these scenarios. If you need to join your base table with another table to source dropdown options, you need to be mindful that a common column connects the two tables. In this case, the Retail-Orders and Retail-People tables are connected by Region.

Joining tables


There are many scenarios wherein the options in the dropdown need to change based on the row dimension category. For example, consider that we have regional data in our rows. We need to use a dropdown to assign a manager for each region. The person that we assign must also be tagged to that specific region i.e. the dropdown options for the Central region should only show the people under that region. We can use filters in such scenarios.

Let's look at a scenario where we need to use joins and filters. Please note that the filter and join features can be used independently as well.

STEP 1: Select the workspace, semantic model, and table as discussed in the earlier section.

STEP 2: You can fetch the data from another table by checking the Join Table checkbox. After ticking the checkbox, you will be able to specify the table to join with.

The base table used to populate rows and columns in the report is Retail - Orders. We need to fetch the person data from the Retail - People table. The Retail -Orders and Retail-People are connected by the Region field (foreign key).

Joining Retail-Orders with Retail-People

STEP 3: Let's assign the field to source the multi-select options - in this case, Retail - People.Person. Since the Retail - People table does not have a unique ID column for each person, let's use the Person field as the option and the ID.

Soucing options from the Person in the dataset

STEP 4: We need to filter the people based on the region they are assigned to. In the Columns dropdown, select the field based on which you need to filter the options. In this case, it is the Retail - People.Region which can be used to identify the people tagged to a region. Select the matching field from the visual from the Visual Column dropdown.

Setting a filter for dropdown options

The dropdown options for people data have now been fetched from the Retail - People table. Notice how all the people are displayed in the options for the grand total row. For each region, only the person assigned to that region is shown in the dropdown.

Filtering options dynamically

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