Create new subscription

With Inforiver, creating report subscriptions is easier than ever. Inforiver offers plenty of configurations to create and schedule your subscriptions.

The new subscription page has 3 sections: 'Select report', 'Set subscription frequency', and 'Selection destination'. Let's look at each of these sections in detail.

1. Select a report - You can select your workspace, report and configure other report-related details. To learn more, refer to select a report.

2. Set subscription frequency - You can configure and set the subscription frequency. To learn more, refer to set subscription frequency.

3. Select destinations - You can select the destinations to schedule your subscriptions. To learn more, refer to select destinations.

4. Review & save subscription - You can easily review your subscription details, save or edit the subscription. To learn more, refer to review & save subscription.

Last updated

Change request #480: Date Formulas