Writeback Settings
This section covers settings related to writeback connections and configurations.
1. Connections
Add Connection: Users can add a new connection.
Connection Details: Users can view details about the connections they have made in portal.

2. Writeback Settings
The writeback settings let admins configure various access settings for the users. The admin can configure the following settings:
Database Connection Management: E Option to allow or not allow users to configure the database connection management.
Writeback Destination Timeout:
Setting to configure the timeout duration for writeback destinations.
Define who can add the destination for writeback (e.g., Admins only, specific roles).
Batched Write Setting:
Configuration for batching write operations, including setting batch size limits.
Writeback settings
3. Editable Managed DB
This is intended for SaaS trial customers, where a sample database will be created within the EDITable tenant for proof of concept (POC) purposes. We strongly recommend not using this database for storing any production-grade data.

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