EDITable v1.6
Last updated
Last updated
You can now define specific rules that grant permission for particular users to update or delete designated rows in the database. This feature improves data security and allows more granular control over data.
You can now update multiple rows at once by importing CSV or Excel files, similar to how you bulk-import new rows. The rows are updated based on matching primary keys from the file.
We have included two options here - 'Update' with which you can update existing rows and 'Insert and Update' when you need to insert new ones and modify the existing ones.
You can now export a saved column configuration to a flat file and import it back into a similar table in the visual. This feature allows you to replicate configurations easily, saving time by avoiding configuring everything from scratch. Please refer to this section to know more.
The new 'Summary' option provides a quick overview of column values, including the number of empty values, unique values, filled values, percentage of empty/filled/unique values, date range, earliest date, latest date, and so on.
This allows you to quickly identify any data anomalies, such as missing data or unique values, as well as perform simple categorical analyses on large datasets, such as percent of empty rows, percent of unique values, date range, earliest and latest dates, and so on.
You can now add AD groups (Active Directory groups) in the approvers list for Default and Rule-based approvers types.
Previously, the 'Submit for Review' option was available only when approvers were set manually (Default method). This option has now been extended to rule-based approvals.
Usually, EDITable lets you connect to an existing database from a Power BI report, after which you can start editing the table. Now you can create and download EDITable .pbix reports for existing database connections directly from the console by clicking the option below:
If the table has already been configured in EDITable, you'll be prompted to confirm whether the existing configurations can be restored. Clicking on Proceed restores the configuration from EDITable.
While creating a table from the console, you can configure the input type, lookup and relations for single-select/multi-select input, description, and default value directly from the EDITable console.
In the EDITable console, when you want to import data from an Excel file to create a table, you can choose the specific sheet you wish to import. Previously, 'Sheet1' would be automatically selected for import, by default.
We have added a 'Download Report' option in the console, allowing you to download multiple tables from a connection into a single PBIX report.