General Settings
This section allows users to manage basic settings such as email sender identity, user group access in comments, and access token expiry duration.
1. Single Sender Identity
If this option is enabled, the sender's identity (their email ID) is hidden while comment notifications and approval email IDs are sent using a single FROM address. When this is disabled, the approval emails and comment notifications are sent using the respective user's email address.

This option enables or disables the addition of organization groups to the users list for commenting purposes. When you click Enable, a Microsoft O365 screen appears. Admin privileges are required to provide consent, whether this can be enabled or disabled.
After enabling, you can mention or tag organization groups in comments.

3. Configurable Expiration Times
EDITable allows you to set the time limit for access and refresh tokens.
Access Token: EDITable generates an access token when you login. These tokens act as keys that allow users to access EDITable without repeated login requests. This token's expiry time limit can be configured here in minutes.
Refresh Token: Here, you can set the time limit for the refresh token. The refresh token provides users with extended login times without the need for regular re-authentications. The access tokens will be refreshed automatically in the backend, provided they are within the configured refresh token expiry limit. After the time limit, there is a new set of access and refresh tokens for a user.

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