Add Database Column
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EDITable lets you add new columns to the source database directly from the visual.
To add a new column, click on Manage Columns > Add Database Column.
In the pop-up window, you can enter the column name and its data type. You can optionally make it a non-nullable column and assign a default value. Then click Create.
In the example below, we have added an email ID column with the name 'EmployeeEmailID' and data type VARCHAR.
After clicking on Create, you can see the below toast message.
Refresh the Power BI source.
The column is now available in the Data pane.
Assign it to the 'Columns' field to add it to the EDITable visual.
To configure the newly added column, click the highlighted link on the visual.
Configure the column properties as you would for any other columns, and then click Save.
After saving the configuration, go to the 'Home' tab to view the new column added to the source database.
Please note that you cannot delete a column directly from the visual—this must be done from the database. Alternatively, you can simply remove the field from the 'Columns' field well.