Logs & other pipeline options
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Last updated
This section explains the configuration options and the logs screen available in the pipeline configuration window.
Clicking the 'sync' icon refreshes and syncs the report, ensuring the newly added visuals are included, if any.
You can edit a report pipeline by clicking on the pencil icon, as shown below.
To change the stage destinations, use the dropdowns and select the required data source and table for each stage. Click Update.
When deploying a report, you can choose to include or exclude any visuals by enabling or disabling the 'Add To Pipeline' toggle button. Then, click Update.
Use the bin icon to delete the report from the pipeline.
Switch to the Logs tab to view the list of pipelines deployed by all workspace users.
You can use the search box to find specific logs by ID. You can also filter the logs based on the 'from' or 'to' stages, deployment status, and the person who deployed the pipeline.
Click Reset All to reset all applied filters.