Let's explore how EDITable reports can be deployed using PowerBI deployment pipelines.
Power BI Deployment Pipelines
PowerBI Deployment pipelines enable creators to develop and test Power BI content in the Power BI service before the content is made available for consumption by users. The tool is designed as a pipeline with multiple stages, for example, development, test, QA, and production. Read more on PowerBI Deployment Pipelines.
EDITable Deployment Pipelines
EDITable's deployment pipelines work alongside Power BI pipelines, allowing you to deploy EDITable reports in stages.
With EDITable's deployment pipelines,
The report's column configurations, SCDs, and row identification are preserved across different environments.
You can deploy your EDITable reports (and thus the tables) from one data destination to another.
Avoid duplicate visuals that often occur when manually deploying a visual from one workspace to another.
Maintain streamlined version control for EDITable reports.
Trigger report deployments from external applications using an API endpoint.
Last updated