Configure Type 2 SCDs

1. Configuration

It is recommended to configure an auto increment key non editable column as a surrogate key.

Configure the Following Fields:

  1. Surrogate Key:

    • Define a surrogate key as a unique identifier for each record in the dimension table.

    • This key is auto incremented by one.

  2. Business Key:

    • Identify and define the business key for the table, which uniquely identifies the business entity (e.g., customer ID, product code).

  3. Identifier Key:

    • Define the identifier key(s) to track changes in the SCD table. This key helps to capture changes and maintain historical data for the dimension.

      1. Start Date:

      2. Specify a start date field to indicate when the record became effective.

      3. This field is critical for understanding the timeline of changes and for querying historical data accurately.

      4. End Date:

      5. Specify an end date field to indicate when the record is no longer effective.

      6. This field helps in determining the duration a particular record was active and is used in conjunction with the start date for time-based queries.

      7. Active Flag:

      8. Define an active flag field to indicate the current status of the record.

2. Accessing Row History

  • Select a Record: Choose the record you are interested in. To view the history of that Row

  • View History: Once you select the record, you will be able to view its history. This history includes all the changes that have been made to the record over time.

  • Most Recent First: The changes are displayed in order, with the most recent changes at the top. This way, you can quickly see the latest updates first.

At a time, you will only be able to view the history of a single row, not more than two rows can be displayed simultaneously.

The history of the particular record.

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