Alpha Numeric Filter
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The Alpha-Numeric Filter feature enables users to include and filter data containing both letters and numbers. This provides a flexible way to refine data selections based on alpha-numeric fields.
To enable alpha -numeric filter add an alpha-numeric field to the Category Field.
If an alpha-numeric field is the only category added, the filter appears as a slider in the visual.
If combined with other categories, it displays as a dropdown list in the Facet Filter View.
To enable or disable the alpha-numeric filter slider, navigate to the Format Pane, in the Alpha-Numeric Filter section use the toggle option to switch the slider view on or off.
Under Alpha Numeric Filter section configure Slider Style with the following options:
Show Fixed Label: When enabled, displays a fixed label for typing the start and end range.
Slider Color: Choose the color of the slider.
Slider Background Color: Adjust the background color behind the slider.
Label Color: Set the color of the measure label.
Font Color and Font Style Settings: Modify the font color, size, and style.
Drag Handle Color: Select the color of the slider handle used to adjust values.
At the bottom left of the tile, you’ll find the Reset to Default option. Click this to revert all Alpha Numeric Filter settings to their original configuration.