Super Filter v1.0.0.0
Features List
Date Filter
Dynamic Slider for real-time adjustments based on data updates.
Static Slider for fixed date ranges.
Calendar Modes, enabling filtering by Date, Date/Month, or across Multiyear datasets.
Multiple Date Range Selection to filter non-contiguous date periods.
Fiscal Month Support, allowing filtering based on fiscal year configurations.
Options to Display Week Numbers, Quarters, and Months as Numbers for better granularity.
Display of Measure Values alongside selected dates for contextual insights.
Users can exclude specific days (e.g., weekends or holidays) from the analysis.
Support for visualizing trends with a heatmap view, showcasing data density and patterns across dates.
Single Select for Month & Days:
Facilitates focused analysis by allowing single selection of specific months or days.
Categorical Filter
View Types include Checkbox, Radio, List, Dropdown, Tile, and Toggle, offering greater customization.
Single Select and Cascade Filter options for streamlined and hierarchical filtering.
Customizable Panel Header and Round label.
Bulk Copy Paste, Progress Bar, and Search Bar for improved navigation and bulk operations.
Layout Options (Vertical & Horizontal) and a Gap Setting for spacing between tiles.
Category Styles for formatting overall and individual sections.
View Types (Checkbox, Radio, List) for displaying hierarchical data.
Expand to Level for granular control over hierarchy exploration.
Custom Context Menu for personalized options.
Display Child Count with custom aggregation types.
Single Child Display for better visibility of individual nodes.
Alternate Row Customization & Color for improved readability.
Expand/Collapse Icon Styles (Arrow, Plus/Minus) for toggling hierarchy levels.
Formatting Options for Top, Parent, and Child Node Styles.
Category Styles for overall and individual sections in hierarchical filters.
Dynamic Date Presets for quick date-based filtering.
Saved Filter Presets, enabling reuse of frequently used filters.
Conditional Formatting Presets for consistent styling across reports.
Preset Color Formatting Options for customization.
Mass Filter / Bulk Copy Paste: Multi-value filtering with bulk copy-paste functionality.
Saved Filter: Save and reuse filter configurations for streamlined workflows.
Focused Text Filter (Unified Search): A unified search bar for quick filtering across categories.
Conditional Formatting: Icon, Background, and Font styling based on conditions, enhancing filter usability.
Pop-Up Mode: Configurable Height, Width, and Center Alignment for pop-up filters.
Measure Filter
Range Options: Filtering with conditions like Between, Less Than or Equal To, and Greater Than or Equal To.
Label & Slider Step: Fine-tuning options for slider increments and label customization.
Alpha Numeric Filter: Slider-style formatting for alphanumeric filtering.
Sorting by customizable criteria with Sort By and Sort As options.
Top N and Bottom N ranking features with options for number selection and ranking measures.
Number Formatting Options: Formatting options for numeric fields in measure filters.
Tool Bar & Display Settings
Footer Icon for branding or quick actions.
Expand on Hover for smoother toolbar interactions.
Clear Button for resetting all filters in one click.
Saved Filters directly in the toolbar for quick access.
Bulk Copy Paste with customizable Delimiters.
Search Bar Color Formatting Options for customization.
Title and a Progress Bar for context and tracking.
Select All for faster selection of all filter values.
Display Details: Displays additional details based on measures or categories added in the "Others" field.
Measure Tooltips to show measure-specific insights.
Category Tooltips for detailed category-level information.
Filter Context Settings for customizing filter behavior.
Keyboard Accessibility for seamless navigation and application.
Limit Data Limits the number of data rows displayed to optimize performance.
Sync Slicer: Synchronized slicers ensure copied visuals retain the latest filter selections when pasted across pages.
Last updated