Super Filter v2.0.0.0
List of New Features and Enhancements:
Date Filter
Date Slider
Label Inside Marker: Displays the date label outside the slider for improved visibility.
Fixed Gap Option: Allows users to choose a consistent range when moved from starting point and reduce the range when adjusted from the end point.
Month Calendar Mode: Enables users to select months and quarters more easily.
Range Type in Date Range Mode: Introduced two options, User-Defined and Pre-Defined, for dynamically highlighting date ranges when hovering over the calendar.
Last Day of Week Support: Allows users to configure the last day of the calendar's week view.
Calendar Week Mode: Supports custom week view types, such as 4-5-4 or 5-4-4 formats.
The Default Date option is now referred to as Calendar Initial Date for clarity.
Calendar Formatting Options: Added customization for Calendar Header Styles, Month styles, and Day Styles, enhancing visual appeal.
Categorical Filter
Facet Filter
Height Option: Allows users to set the panel height.
Tile Height and Tile Radius: New settings to customize tile size and shape.
Responsive Tile: Enables tiles to resize dynamically based on the visual's dimensions.
Select All: This option is now included for each category in Category Styles for checkbox view types.
Header Label Icon: Allows users to assign icons to category headers for better distinction.
Hierarchy Data Support: Introduced an Expand/Collapse option for hierarchical data visualization.
Measure Filter
Absolute Sort: Added an option to sort items based on their absolute values, ensuring consistent order irrespective of data polarity.
Toolbar & Display Settings
Placeholder Text: Users can now define placeholder text for the Bulk Copy-Paste feature in the toolbar.
Case-Sensitive Search: Introduced in the search bar, allowing users to perform searches that respect letter casing.
Clear Search: This option has been moved to Display Settings, making it applicable globally across filters.
Image Data: Support for base66 image uploads in facet filer is provided.
Clear Tooltip: When hovered over the clear option in tool bar filters applied are shown.
Last updated