Super Filter v5.1.0.0
List of New Features and Enhancements:
Filter Types:
Date Filter:
Round Date Label: In Month Mode, date labels are now displayed as rounded labels when Heatmap is enabled. The heatmap will be shown within the round label, and variance will appear as a round bar with the corresponding values.
Measure Label Font Size: Customization for measure label font size is now available in Year Mode.
Year & Quarter Font Size: Users can now adjust the font size for Year and Quarter labels across Month, Year, and Multi-Year Modes.
Calendar Control Styles:
Font Size: Adjust font size for calendar control elements.
Header Text Color: Customize the font color of calendar control headers.
Button Color: Modify the toggle button color.
Selected Button Color: Set the selected color for Tile View.
Facet Filter:
Forced Selection: Ensures that at least one category item is always selected:
For Hierarchy Filter, the first index item is selected.
For Facet Filter, the first item in each category is selected.
Hide Category: Option to hide specific categories from visual display.
Ranking Preset: Users can now create and apply presets based on ranking conditions.
Rotate Preset: Supports both horizontal and vertical layout options for presets.
Image Upload for Presets: Custom images (JPEG & PNG) can now be uploaded for preset icons.
Search Option in Preset: Option to enable or disable the search feature within presets.
Group Preset: Organize presets into groups for better navigation.
Prepopulated Measure Bucket Presets:
When a measure is added and the preset bar is enabled, it will be automatically assigned as cluster bucket preset.
Hide Preset: Users can now hide configured presets if needed.
Font Size Customization: The font size of presets can now be customized in the Format Pane.
Add Preset in Read Mode: The ability to add presets is now available in read mode.
Export/Import Presets: Preset configurations can now be exported and imported for use in other reports.
Display Settings:
RTL (Right-to-Left) Support: Enhanced support for right-to-left languages.
Localize Key Word: Added support for localization of key terms related to Calendar Control Options and Fixed Interval.
Last updated