Dynamic Date Presets
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Last updated
Supported in: ✔️Slider Calendar ❌Year ❌Multi Year ❌Month ✔️Month Range ❌Week ❌Day
The Date Preset enables users to configure and apply predefined date presets to filter data efficiently. This functionality simplifies date-based filtering by offering default options and customization.
Navigate to the Format Pane and Locate the Preset Bar.
Enable the toggle to activate the preset functionality in the visual.
Select the default presets to be shown in the visual from the preset option in general section.
Presets: A dropdown list allows you to choose from the following preset options:
This Week/Month/Quarter/Year
Last Week/Month/Quarter/Year
Max Week/Month/Quarter/Year
Dynamic date presets are exclusively available in the Date Slider.
When enabled, the Preset Bar displays the default presets (Today, Yesterday, Min Day, Max Day) alongside Plus icon to add new presets and Erase icon to clear current selection.
Upon clicking the Plus Icon, a pop-up appears as Preset List with the following columns:
Type column which defaults to "Date".
Name column with a text box to set a name for the preset.
Range column with a dropdown list to select a time range, including Last, Next, This, YTD, MTD, QTD, HHYTD, Half Year, Today, Yesterday, Min, Max, MTY.
Period column with a dropdown list to specify the period namely Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day.
To add a new preset to the list, click on the "+Add" option.
Click on the Delete icon to remove a preset from the list.
After configuring presets click "OK" to save the presets to the Preset Bar.
Click the Cancel button to discard any edits or newly added presets without saving them.