Facet / Panel Filter
The Facet Filter allows to filter data visually through categorized dropdown lists or various other filter types. It organizes data into distinct categories, enabling seamless and dynamic selection of items across multiple fields. Facet Filter is enabled by default when data is added to the Category field.
Configuring Facet Filter View
To customize the Facet Filter View, navigate to the Facet Filter section in the Format Pane. The following options are available:
View Type: Choose the filter icon style from the dropdown list. Available types are:
Single Select option is available for List, Dropdown, Tile, and Toggle view types. This can be enabled or disabled using the toggle button.
Gap: Adjust the gap between each category to manage spacing.
Cascade Filter: By Default, Cascade Filter is set to On. When enabled Selecting an item in one category dynamically filters items in other categories based on available data.
Layout: Choose between Vertical or Horizontal layouts for the visual.
Bulk Copy Paste: Toggle option to enable or disable bulk copy paste for each category.
Progress Bar: Toggle option to enable or disable bulk copy paste for each category.
Search: Toggle option to enable or disable bulk copy paste for each category.
When Dropdown is selected as the view type, an option to enable or disable the Round Label is displayed.
When Tile is selected as the view type, an option to adjust the Tile Width is provided, allowing customization of tile sizes in the visual.
Reset to Default: A button located at the bottom left of the Facet Filter section to reset all customizations.
Configuring the Category Styles
General Section: Configuring this Applies to all levels in the category field. Configuration options available in this section are the following:
Text Color: Click on the Dropdown to select a color.
Background Color: Click on the Dropdown to select a color.
Font Style: Dropdown to set font style, with size adjustment and formatting options (Bold, Italics, Underline).
Header Label Color: Click on the Dropdown to select a color.
Header Background Color: Click on the Dropdown to select a color.
Header Font Style: Dropdown to set font style, with size adjustment and formatting options (Bold, Italics, Underline).
Category Section: Sections are added corresponding to the data entered in the category field. Configuration options available in this section are the following:
Filter Type: Dropdown to choose filter icons (Checkbox, Radio, List, Dropdown, Tile, Toggle).
Single Select: Toggle to enable or disable single selection (available for List, Dropdown, Tile, and Toggle filter types).
Placeholder Text: Option to set placeholder text.
Text Color: Dropdown with a pop-up to choose a color.
Background Color: Dropdown with a pop-up to choose a color.
Font Style: Dropdown to set font style, with size adjustment and formatting options (Bold, Italics, Underline).
Header Text Color: Dropdown to select a color for header text.
Header Background Color: Dropdown to select a background color for the header.
Header Font Style: Dropdown for font customization, with size adjustment and formatting options as described above.
Reset to Default: A button located at the bottom left of the Category Styles section to reset all customizations.
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