Funnel charts

  • Axis parameter - Sub Region

  • Values parameter - Actuals

  • Chart type - Funnel

  • .Description - Funnel charts are typically used to identify potential bottlenecks or areas of improvement in a process. In this example, we've used a Funnel to view the Sales across different Sub Regions.

1. Canvas Settings for funnel charts

1.1. Chart width

You can adjust the funnel width based on your requirements. The allowed range is between 40 and 100.

1.2. Chart type

You can opt for a funnel or a pyramid.

1.3. Include total sum

Enable this option to use the measure sum total for funnel height calculation.

1.4. Inverted

Enable this option to turn the funnel or pyramid upside down.

1.5. Curved

Enable this option to view the funnel with rounded ends. You can set the width of the curve.

1.6. Dynamic slope

The slope of the funnel is determined by the magnitude of each category.

1.7. Pinched

You can disable the slope for a specific number of categories. Enter the category count in the Pinch count textbox.

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