5.2. Quick options-cards

The Analytics+ visual provides all the functionalities even when the size of the visual is reduced i.e. it does not fill the entire canvas. The toolbar is disabled when the size of the visual is decreased beyond a threshold - you can still perform all the basic customizations via the context menus and by using the on-object interaction menus - without having to switch to focus mode.

1. Using the context menu

When the toolbar is unpinned, clicking on the + icon at the bottom left will open the context menu.

i) Sparkline

You can seamlessly switch between chart types or remove the sparkline altogether.

ii) Elements

The elements section has options to enable or disable various parts of the dashboard such as the report header (title), axes, and data labels. You can also enable or disable the sync highlight feature. When you hover over an option, a gear icon appears - click on this icon to directly navigate to the settings pane for that element.

When the toolbar is enabled, you can use the elements dropdown menu.

iii) Settings

You can directly navigate to the configuration settings for canvas, conditional formatting, ranking, and sorting from this section.

iv) Trellis layout

You can choose between different layout options and navigate to Trellis settings if further customization is called for.

v) Pivot data

Open the data management side pane to manage measures and dimensions. Learn more about data management in Analytics+.

vi) KPI preset

Quickly change the KPI styling by selecting from a range of built-in presets.

vii) Summary table

You can view and re-order the underlying data used to render the cards within the Inforiver visual itself.

2. Customizing the KPI

Click on the KPI section of the card to enable customization options.

i) Changing the preset

Click on the back and forward arrow icons to browse and apply various presets.

ii) KPI customizations

You can customize the KPI position, chart type, icon styles, assign a border color, and apply formatting for KPI cards. Click on the settings icon to open the floating KPI customization menu. Learn more about quick customizations using the floating KPI menu.

iii) Editing KPI metrics

You can either click on the pencil icon or double click the metrics section to open the on-object interaction menu.

3. Chart customizations

Leverage the on-object interaction icons to seamlessly switch chart types, choose the measures to render in the chart, and set the color scheme and number formatting. Click on the chart icon to open the floating menu for charts. You can also remove the chart altogether by clicking on the X icon that appears when you hover over a card. Learn more about chart customizations.

4. Focus mode

You can zoom out and analyze a KPI card by clicking on the focus icon which appears on hovering over a card.

5. Resize panels and lock size

You can easily re-size panels by hovering over the edges - a blue bar appears, which you can drag to resize. You can also click on the lock icon to lock the panel size and prevent re-sizing.

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