
1. Getting started

Analytics+ provides a range of prebuilt layouts or you can build a custom layout from scratch.

1.1. Selecting a template

Click on the Explore Templates option from the landing page to view the layouts provided in Analytics+. The prebuilt layouts contain a combination of charts, cards, and tables. You can select a template that is best suited to your specific requirements.

1.2. Building a layout from scratch

You can set the number of KPI cards, charts, and tables to use in the layout. The preview pane reflects the elements corresponding to the counts that are set. You can use the Viz-data-ink ratio slider to quickly assign the number of elements in your dashboard.

You can create tabs to browse through your dashboard or get a multi-dimensional view of your data. Learn more about navigation.

Assign data for each element from the pivot data section. These data configurations can be re-assigned at any time during the development of the dashboard.

You can also use the Reset button to revert to the original configuration.

2. Assigning data

You can easily change the measures and dimensions assigned to a particular element: click to select an element and open the Pivot data window.

Notice how we've changed the data assignment for each element.

3. Customizing elements

We'll refer to each chart/card or table that makes up a storyboard as an element. You can assign the data for each element and leverage all the capabilities provided in the toolbars. Let's take a closer look at how we can customize elements.

When you click an element, the associated toolbar is enabled. For instance, the card toolbar will be enabled if you click a card element. You can change the chart type, apply KPI presets, themes, ranking, conditional formatting, and any other features available in the toolbar.

All the on-object interaction menus are available in storyboard mode as well.

4. Changing the element type

You effortlessly change an element to a different element type, for example, change a card element to a chart or table. Click on the element and click on the toolbar tab corresponding to the element you want to change to. To change a card to a chart, click on the card element to select it - then click on the chart toolbar tab.

Notice how we've changed the card to a chart.

You can also switch between elements by clicking the Switch To button.

5. Resizing elements

When you click on an element, the panel or container in which the element is placed will be highlighted. You can then drag the container to resize it.

6. Re-arranging elements

You can move elements around in the storyboard and position them as needed. All you need to do is click and drag the element to the desired position.

7. Inserting elements

You can also insert elements like shapes, text boxes, slicers, and images in addition to the charts, cards, and tables. A default version of the element is inserted which you can customize. In the example, we've inserted a new bar chart, a text box, and an image.

The customization options for images and textboxes will be displayed within the storyboard toolbar and can be accessed by clicking the element.

8. Applying themes

You can select from the range of prebuilt themes and choose the color scheme for the dashboard. Click the Board Themes option to set a theme for the dashboard.

You can also set the theme for individual elements from the respective toolbar. We’ve used the Midnight theme for the dashboard and the Color Blind Dark theme for the table.

Assign a theme name and click on any color to open the color picker to set an alternate color. Once created, custom themes can be applied to the dashboard or to individual elements.

You can also set a custom background color for your dashboards by navigating to Board Themes > Background Color and selecting a color from the color picker.

9. Uploading images

You can embed images like brand logos in Analytics+ storyboards by uploading them from your computer. Click on Insert > Image, then click on the Upload Image button in the element to browse images stored on your computer.

Last updated