Tables measure series

In this section, let's look at the measure customization options specific to tables.

1. Show or hide measures

You can hide a measure by unselecting the checkbox alongside it. To render hidden measures again, you just need to re-select the checkbox.

Let's hide the absolute variances.

2. Setting custom widths

You can set custom widths for each measure in table mode. The width changes dynamically as you key in the values.

The scaling of row-level charts will be impacted when we use custom widths.

Click on the reset icon to restore the default width settings.

3. Variance

You can define the variance calculation for tables. The variance is calculated as AC - PY or AC - PL by default. You can flip the variance calculation to PL - AC or PY - AC.

4. Reordering measures

You can also re-order columns from this window. A hand icon appears when you hover over the menu icon adjacent to each column - you can drag the column to the desired position.

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