6.2. Quick options - tables

The Analytics+ visual provides almost all functionalities even when the size of the visual is reduced i.e. it does not fill the entire canvas. The toolbar is disabled when the size of the visual is decreased beyond a threshold but you can still perform all the basic customizations via the context menus and by using the on-object interaction menus - without having to switch to focus mode.

1. Using the context menu

When the toolbar is unpinned, clicking on the + icon at the bottom left will open the context menu.

i) Elements

The elements section has options to:

ii) Settings

You can directly navigate to the configuration settings for measures, canvas, conditional formatting, TopN, and sorting from this section.

iii) Theme

You can also change the theme from the context menu. Learn more about themes.

iv) Trellis layout

You can change the layout from this section or navigate directly to layout settings to design a custom layout. Learn more about setting the layout.

v) Pivot data

You can navigate to the data management configuration window from this section. Learn more about data management.

2. Editing the header

The header name is automatically set using the dimension and measure names. Simply double-click on the header to enable the on-object interaction menu. You can change the font, size, style, color, alignment, background color, etc, and modify the content as well.

3. Editing measure names

By default, Analytics+ assigns the IBCS notations for measure names. You can easily modify them by double clicking on the measure header which you want to update.

4. Editing cells and adding annotations

To format individual cells, click on the cell to enable the on-object interaction menu. Similar to the measure headers, you can change the font size, color, alignment, and styling of the cell. Click on the settings icon to open the font style properties pane.

To add cell-level comments, click on the comment icon - a text box is enabled to capture annotations.

Enter comments and click anywhere in the grid to attach the comment to the cell. Learn more about annotations in Analytics+.

5. Resizing and re-ordering measures

Resizing: The resize icon appears when you hover over the edge of a measure. Click and drag to resize.

Reordering: Click on the measure header and drag to the desired position to re-order measures.

6. Inverting panels

7. Date formats for axis dimensions

You can set custom formats for axis date dimensions in just 2 clicks. You can double-click on a date dimension like year/quarter/month and select a custom format from the list of suggestions.

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