6.6. Number formatting

Inforiver Analytics+ comes prepackaged with intelligent number formatting & scaling recognition capabilities that help display data in a perceptive manner in your table/matrix reports.

1. Number scaling

Analytics+ can auto-detect the granularity of your measures and display them accordingly. For instance, if your report contains data with mixed granularity i.e. some values may be in thousands, some in hundreds, and some in millions - Analytics+ will render the table accordingly. You can also override the default scaling and apply a custom scaling factor with the Quick format options.

Let's take a quick look at the different options.

i) Uniform scaling

The 'Uniform' option applies one fixed scale to the entire table and moves the scaling unit display to the header. This is useful when all the measures are of comparable magnitude (e.g., Sales vs Forecast) in the same table.

Inforiver automatically applies a scaling factor that is best suited for your data, but you can set a custom scaling factor as well.

ii) Measure level scaling

When your measures are of different magnitudes, you can apply measure-level scaling. The scaling for each measure is shown in the column header. This is useful to show measures of varying granularities (e.g., Revenue & Quantity) in the same table.

iii) Auto scaling

When using the 'Auto' option, each cell is formatted individually, this can be used when the measures have mixed granularities of data in them. In the example, notice how the suffixes - m and k have been used to denote millions and thousands.

iv) Native scaling

To view the source data as-is without any formatting, you can choose native scaling.

2. Percentage, prefix/suffix, and decimals

Analytics+ provides additional formatting options to convert values to percentages, add a suffix/prefix, and calibrate the number of decimal places to be displayed.

i) Percentages

In the example below, the Margin field is actually a percentage value. To display this as a percentage, you need to first select the field - the % button gets enabled. Then click on the button to convert the values to percentages.

ii) Prefix/suffix

You can add more context to your data using a prefix or suffix when applicable. For instance, you can add a currency prefix to a column that contains price data.

iii) Decimals

You can increase or decrease decimal precision at a cell/row/column level. Select the column for which you want to adjust the decimal places - the precision buttons are enabled on selecting a column/row/cell. Click on the buttons to increase or decrease the precision.

Let's increase the precision for the forecast variance.

Next, let's see how to embed charts in your tables.

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