Cards - axis settings

The axis tab enables you to tailor the x-axis and the primary and secondary y-axis - show or hide the axis, set the padding between categories, and customize the title and labels.

Axis settings are identical for charts and cards. X-axis settings have been listed in this section to demonstrate the options in card mode. Please refer to the Charts axis settings for detailed options.

1. X-axis

1.1. Show x-axis

You can choose to show or hide the x-axis labels. Disable the toggle to hide the x-axis labels.

1.2. Show title

You can choose to show or hide the x-axis title. Disable the toggle to hide the x-axis. Click on the gear icon to open the x-axis title settings.

1.3. Reverse x-axis

Analytics+ allows you to order the x-axis categories in reverse order as well. Notice how the months are displayed from December to January or the quarters are arranged from Q4 - Q1 when the Reverse x-axis toggle is enabled.

1.4. Ragged hierarchy

You can suppress blank category rows when you have unbalanced hierarchies where the number of levels is uneven. Enable the ‘Ragged hierarchy’ toggle to hide blank rows. Notice how blank categories are displayed when the ragged hierarchy toggle is disabled. Learn more about managing hierarchies with Analytics+.

Blank category rows are suppressed when the Ragged hierarchy option is enabled.

1.5. Category grouping

With Anlytics+, you can expand and collapse hierarchies on the x-axis. You can focus on specific sections of the hierarchy by expanding those sections alone. The scaling of the bars is adjusted according to the hierarchy level. Notice how the year and quarter bars are taller than the month bars when Category grouping is enabled. The months are grouped under the quarters and quarters are grouped under the years.

When category grouping is disabled, the hierarchy is fully expanded and the bars are scaled uniformly.

1.6. Single child

Analytics+ ships with multiple options to display single node hierarchies i.e. when a parent hierarchy has only one child. For single-child hierarchies, you have options to hide leaf nodes, hide all nodes if they are single children, or hide the parent node if it has only a single child. Learn more about working with hierarchies.

1.7. Axis type

You can select between Auto, Categorical, and Continuous axes.

This setting is enabled only when category grouping is turned off. Axis type is set to 'Categorical' when category grouping is turned on.

When your axis data contains a time series, you can plot it on a continuous axis. You will have additional options to select the date range and focus on a specific time period. In the example below, we have filtered the data between 2022 and 2024.

1.8. Category width

Analytics+ automatically sets the width of each category based on the available canvas side. Choose the 'Fixed' option to manually enter the width.

The Min width (px) option is enabled when the category width is set to fixed. You can change this value to increase or decrease the size of each category on the x-axis.

1.9. Inner padding

You can adjust the space between consecutive categories on the x-axis. In this example, we have increased the padding from the default values of 30 to 60px.

1.10 Enable scroll

You can choose whether to allow report viewers to scroll along the x-axis if all the categories do not fit into the canvas.

1.11. Label settings

The customization settings for x-axis labels have been listed below:

  • Display:

Responsive: The label orientation will be adjusted according to the canvas and data configuration.

Rotated: The labels are rotated 90 degrees or 45 degrees. The degree and direction of rotation can be chosen from the Rotation dropdown.

Stepped: Consecutive labels are displayed in separate rows. You can display the axis categories in 2 steps or 3 steps.

Hidden: X-axis labels are hidden.

  • Font: You can set the font style, size, and color of the x-axis labels.

  • Word wrap: When the labels are too long, part of the label may get hidden. Enable word wrap to display the hidden portion in the next line.

  • Padding: Adjust the space between the x-axis title and category labels.

  • Show blank label

When your dataset contains null axis categories, you can choose to display them as '(Blank)'.

1.12. Axis line width

Set the thickness of the axis line.

1.13. Grid line

You can display grid lines representing each x-axis category. Grid line customizations have been listed below.

  • Position

The 'Middle' position renders grid lines at the center of the label.

The 'Extreme' option renders grid lines at the starting point of the label.

  • Style

You can render the grid lines as solid, dotted, or dashed lines.

  • Format

You can customize the thickness and color of the gridlines.

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