Pie charts

  • Axis parameter - Sub Category

  • Values parameter - Actuals

  • Chart type - Pie

  • .Pie charts visually represent the proportions of different categories, making it easy to understand their relative sizes. Explicit measure configuration is not required. Accepts only one measure.

1. Canvas Settings for pie charts

1.1. Pie or donut type

You can select whether to have a full circle or a semi-circle chart.

1.2. Semi circle orientation

When you select the semi-circle option, you can additionally specify the chart orientation.

The different orientations are shown here.

You can also specify a custom angle.

1.3. Pad radius

You can add padding between the different categories by specifying a pad radius.

1.4. Corner radius

You can display rounded corners by specifying a corner radius value.

2. Data label settings for pie charts

2.1. Label display

You can choose to display the category names outside the pie chart.

You can also display the proportions of each category using the Size option.

  • Size type: You can display the contribution of each category as a percentage or the actual value. We have displayed both.

  • Size value position: You can display the value inside or outside the pie chart.

  • Size percentage position: You can display the percentage contribution inside or outside the pie chart.

2.2. Image category

You can make your pie charts more engaging by adding images. Add the image URL field to the Tooltip Text Categories visual parameter. You can then select the field from the Image Category dropdown.

  • Image position: You can display images inside the pie chart or outside.

  • Image size: You can adjust the size of the image.

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