Cards - other settings

The Others tab contains miscellaneous options like changing the orientation, disabling helper tooltips, setting highlight colors for data labels, etc.

Let's get started!

1. Orientation

You can switch between vertical and horizontal orientations.

2. Title

You can hide the report title by choosing the None option. Choose the Default option to display the standard title.

Use the title on-object interaction menu to customize the title, restore the default title, or browse title presets.

You can optionally display a footer with the Inforiver logo.

  • Show info logo: Enable to toggle to display the logo.

  • Enabled: You can display custom hyperlinked text. By default, the link navigates to the Inforiver webpage.

6. Show helper tooltips

When you hover over a toolbar or side pane element, Inforiver displays a tooltip that gives an overview of the functionality. You can disable the toggle if you do not wish to see tooltips.

7. Show warning toasts

Analytics+ displays warning notifications when you change an option that may affect an existing configuration. You can disable the toggle if you do not wish to see warning toast messages.

8. Show on-object interaction

Inforiver's on-object interaction feature allows you to customize every element of your report, right from the canvas without navigating to the settings panes. If the on-object interaction menus are inconvenient, you can disable them.

9. Show data label on highlight

When this setting is turned on, the data labels will be displayed on selecting that particular data point in the reading view.

When this setting is turned off, notice how the data labels are not displayed on selecting the data point.

10. Highlight color

10.1. Data label

When you select a data point in the reading view, you can highlight the data label with a different color. In the example, the data label color is black but on selecting the data point, the label color is highlighted in red.

10.2. Bar

When you select data points in a bar chart, you can highlight the selected bars with a custom color. In the example, the bar color is changed to yellow on selecting a data point.

11. Overflow color handling type

12. Charts animation

Animating charts can make data visualization more engaging. Each time a chart is rendered in Analytics+, it is accompanied by animation when this option is enabled.

13. Debug mode

This option captures additional logs and errors that will be used by the Inforiver team to debug and root cause issues.

Last updated