Advanced pivot

The designer view or advanced pivot enables you to configure measures and categories while observing dynamic updates to the chart/table. When you have many measures and dimensions, the designer view avoids having to open the pivot data window repeatedly to change the configuration.

The advanced pivot interface opens by default when the Analytics+ visual is full-sized or fills 75% of the canvas.

To disable advanced pivot, navigate to Display settings > Others > enable Hide advance pivot.

Advanced pivot overview

The advanced pivot provides all the features discussed in detail in the data management section. The filtering capability is available only in the designer view.

1. Search and filter

Analytics+ allows report creators to add many measures and dimensions to the visual. End users can then leverage the data management capabilities to configure dimensions and measures to create reports. In the search and filter section, you can

  • select the measures and dimensions required for your report by ticking the checkbox next to each measure/dimension category

  • locate measures and dimensions easily using the search bar.

2. Fields

The fields section holds the data wells for the measures as well as the axis, legend, row, and column dimensions.

  • You can map measures to the actual or comparison data wells. Variances will be calculated automatically when you map measures to the comparison buckets.

  • You can assign dimensions to the axis, row, column, and legend buckets.

  • You can also interchange the measures and dimensions between the data wells as required. The charts/tables will be re-rendered automatically based on the changed configuration.

3. Filters

You can filter measure values and dimension categories from the filter tab. The interface is similar to the Power BI filters side pane. You can apply basic or advanced filtering.

4. Advanced settings

Expand the advanced section to access options like enforcing IBCS standards, splitting measures, and combining row and column dimensions. These options are discussed in detail in the data management section.

Last updated