Trend line

As the name indicates, the primary purpose of trend lines is to visualize and highlight trends within the data. They provide a clear representation of the general direction (upward, downward, or flat) of a dataset over time or across categories.

Let's explore the options available in Analytics+ to plot trend lines.

1. Type

Plot linear, exponential, logarithmic, and polynomial trend lines from the type dropdown.

2. Line

Choose from solid, dashed, and dotted line styles. You can set the thickness and color of the trend line.

3. Measure

Select the measure to plot the trend line. Trend lines can be plotted based on the variance as well.

4. Display line equation

Enable this toggle to view the underlying equation that drives the trend line.

  • Font color: Set the font color of the underlying equation.

  • Rotation: Rotate the equation clockwise or anti-clockwise

  • Offset: Set the position of the equation with respect to the x-axis and y-axis.

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