One click rules for cards

In this section, we'll discover the single-click conditional formatting options for cards. Selecting a single-click rule will open the Conditional Formatting side pane. By default, single-click rules will use the AC (Actuals) measure. The configurations are automatically set but you can modify them as required. We'll learn more about configuring rules in later sections.

1. Value

You can highlight positive/negative values using this option. You can also set a threshold and highlight values that are lesser or greater than the custom threshold.

Let's use the custom threshold option to highlight the cards with sales greater than 14m.

The background color has been changed for the cards with sales > 14m

2. Comparison value

You can use the comparison value option to quickly highlight data based on comparing 2 columns. Analytics+ offers two methods to highlight data based on column comparisons:

  • Greater/less than a benchmark

  • Ranges

2.1. Greater/less than benchmark

You can highlight values with a single color when the measure is greater or lesser than the benchmark measure.

In this case, we used the Less than benchmark to highlight the KPI title and value when the 2023 Actuals are lesser than the 2022 Actuals benchmark.

Benchmark based conditional formatting for cards

2.2 Ranges

You can use a heatmap to highlight values when the benchmark measure falls within a specified range. Analytics+ dynamically calculates the range - enabling you to apply conditional formatting in a single click. You can also override the pre-calculated ranges and specify custom values.

In this example, we used the Ranges option and formatted the background color of the cards to format based on specific ranges.

Note: The ranges and colors have been manually updated to use custom values and shades.

Ranges option to format cards

3. Color scales

Based on your data, you can apply different hcolor scales: sequential, qualitative, and diverging.

When a heatmap is used, the font colors are automatically adjusted to be in contrast with their backgrounds for enhanced readability.

For Inforiver to automatically adjust the font color, enable the Canvas > Auto color property.

In this example, we have used the diverging color scale to format the area charts.

Diverging color scale for sparkline chart

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