21. Reading view access

Analytics+ allows the report author to regulate the modifications that a report user can make. Based on the setting in the Allowed user controls window, report users will be able to re-assign measures/dimensions, add annotations, export the report, use the summary table, etc.

1. Show toolbar

The report becomes read-only when this toggle is enabled. Report users will only be able to view the report and cannot perform any operations other than data selection.

2. Show pivot data

Report users can re-assign measures and create ad-hoc reports when the Show Pivot Data option is enabled. Click the + icon at the bottom left corner of the report and select Pivot data.

3. Show annotation

Report users will be able to add visual-level and data point-level comments when this option is enabled. Click on the comment icon at the bottom left of the visual to add comments.

4. Show export

Report users will be able to export the report to PDF files when this toggle is enabled. Click on the PDF icon at the bottom left of the visual to generate the export.

5. Show settings

5.1. Elements

Users can enable/disable report components like the title, KPI, axis, etc. Disable the checkboxes against the element to prevent the report user from changing it.

The gif below shows how you can enable and disable elements from the reading view.

For tables, you can allow users to split measures, sync highlights across panels, and sync scrolling across panels.

5.2. Settings

You can allow users to use the Quick Access options and apply sorting/ranking.

5.3. Charts

For chart-based reports, the report user will be able to browse and change chart types when this checkbox is enabled.

5.4. Trellis settings

In trellis mode, report users will be able to focus on a particular panel and access options to customize each panel when the checkboxes are enabled.

  • Multi chart customization: Customize individual panels by adding KPIs or changing the chart type.

  • Focus panel: Zoom in on a particular panel.

5.5. Table

When you create tabular reports you can allow users to re-order row categories, resize fields, and rename headers by checking the relevant boxes.

The gif below shows resizing fields, re-ordering categories and renaming headers in reading view.

5.6. Summary table

Report users can switch to the summary table view when the Icon checkbox is enabled. You can also allow users to re-order categories and rename headers by checking the relevant boxes.

Click on the + icon at the bottom left of the report and select the Summary Table option to view the underlying data.

6. Show action icon

You allow users to choose between single click, lasso, reverse lasso, and data point selection. Enable the Show action icon toggle to display the icon in reading view.

7. Show axis break icon

Enable this toggle to allow report users to adjust the axis break.

8. Disable tabs

As a report author, you can decide whether report users can switch between charts, cards, and tables. For instance, if you have created a chart-based report, you can disable the card/table tabs in the reading view. Similarly, for tabular reports, you can choose to hide the chart and card tabs.

When tabs are enabled, users will be able to see all 3 tabs in reading view.

You can disable the ‘Show tabs’ option from the Allowed user controls window to hide tabs in reading view.

9. Show read view bookmarking

When you enable this toggle from the Allowed user controls window, report users will be allowed to save customizations made in the reading view by creating Power BI bookmarks. Before creating a bookmark, report users need to first check the Show read view bookmarking checkbox from the Elements menu.

Last updated