6.8. Blend measures

Analytics+ enables you to combine related measures into a single column using the blend option. Click on the Blend button to open the side pane. You need to enter the following details:

  • Title - Name of the blended column

  • Measure 1/2 - Name of the measures

  • Blend direction - Can be horizontal (measures displayed in a single line, one after the other) or vertical (measures displayed one below the other)

  • Padding - Spacing between the blended measures

A blend symbol is displayed next to combined measures. In the example below, the PY variance has been created with the Blend direction set to vertical, and the PL variance has been created with the Blend direction set to horizontal.

If you do want to display redundant data, you can hide the base measures from the column gripper menu or by using the Series configuration. We've hidden the PY and PL variance base columns in the example below.

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