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Last updated
Supported in: Date Filter ✔️Facet Filter ✔️Hierarchy Filter ✔️Alpha Numeric Filter
✔️Numeric Filter
The Preset offers users the ability to create and apply pre-configured filter settings. It streamlines filtering by allowing users to quickly switch between commonly used settings without the need for manual adjustments.
Allows users to save frequently used filter combinations, making it easy to apply complex filters with a single click.
Conditional Formatting Presets:
Enables the use of pre-set conditional formatting rules in both Hierarchy and Facet Filters, highlighting key data points automatically.
Allows users to quickly filter data using predefined date presets while also offering customization options for flexibility.
Allows users to create dynamic filtering presets based on measure values within a visual.
Allows users to create dynamic filtering presets based on rank using measure values within a visual
A range of customization options is available, each explained in detail.
A range of formatting options for preset is available and each explained in detail.