The Day Calendar Mode allows users to view the calendar at the day level, displaying detailed data for individual days. This mode is ideal for scenarios where timestamps in the data need to be visualized.
How to Configure Day Calendar Mode:
Add Date Data to the Category Field in the Visualization Pane.
In the Format Pane, set the Selection Style to Calendar under Date Filter.
Navigate to the Calendar Section in the Format Pane and change the Calendar Mode to Day.
How to Use Day Calendar Mode:
The calendar displays data at the day level, but only if the date field includes a timestamp.
At the top, the Year and Month are shown alongside a downward-facing arrow.
Click the arrow: Opens the month view, allowing users to select a specific month.
Select a Month: Displays all the days from the selected month.
Click the upward-facing arrow: Closes the month view.
Use the Single Arrow near the month to navigate between months.
Use the Double Arrow to navigate between years.
Click the arrow near the days to display the day descriptions.
Add measure values to the visual to display detailed descriptions for each day.
A legend at the top displays measure headings and their corresponding colors, providing a clear visual reference for the data displayed in the calendar.
This feature enables users to drill down to day-level data while maintaining ease of navigation and customization.
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