Background Color & Opacity Control
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Supported in: ✔️Slider Calendar✔️Year ✔️Multi Year ✔️Month ✔️Month Range ✔️Week ✔️Day
This option allows users to customize the background color of the calendar panel when the selection style is set to Calendar.
Supported in:✔️Slider Calendar ✔️Year ✔️Multi Year ✔️Month ✔️Month Range ✔️Week ✔️Day
The Opacity Control option in Super Filter allows users to adjust the opacity of the background, enabling the visual to be displayed with a transparent or semi-transparent background.
Choose a background color for the visual.
Locate Opacity Settings:
For Date Filter Items: Go to the Format Pane -> Date Filter -> General Section.
Use the Opacity option, available as a slider or a text box with up and down arrows, to set the desired transparency level.