Default Selection
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Last updated
Supported in: ✔️Slider Calendar ❌Year ❌Multi Year ❌Month✔️Month Range ❌Week ❌Days
The Default Selection option allows users to dynamically set a predefined date range for the visual. Once configured, the visual will always display the selected range by default.
Follow these steps to configure this feature:
Navigate to the Format Pane section: Date Filter -> General -> Default Selection.
The default option is User Defined, which allows users to manually select the desired date range.
Other available predefined options include:
Past Days
Past Week
Past Month
Past Quarter
Past Year
Future Days
When one of these predefined options is selected, an additional setting, Selection Count, appears. This allows users to specify the number of days, weeks, months, or other units for the date range.
Once configured, the visual dynamically updates to reflect the selected default range.