Enhanced Features in Facet Filter
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When hierarchy data (e.g., Dates) are added to the chart, they are presented as a Hierarchy, featuring an icon that allows users to expand or collapse the hierarchy. By default, the data is displayed in an expanded state within the visual.
The top level of the hierarchy includes an expand/collapse icon located at the right corner of the panel, represented by arrow marks.
Clicking the collapse icon condenses the hierarchy into a single panel, displaying only the hierarchy heading. In this view item cannot be selected.
Clicking the expand option unfolds the hierarchy, revealing all levels as separate panels. In this view items can be selected from the panel shown.
The Edit Data option in Super Filter allows users to modify the names of items within categories in the facet filter, providing a customized display.
Click on the Edit Data icon located near the category heading in the facet filter.
A popup will appear displaying the item names along with a corresponding text input column.
Enter the desired name in the text field for the specific item you want to customize.
Click on the erase icon at the top right corner to remove the changes made.
Click OK to apply the changes.
The edited names will now be displayed in the filter.
This option becomes available when a date hierarchy is included in the facet filter.
The List View of Date Hierarchy option in Super Filter allows users to display date data or a date hierarchy in a list format, similar to the native Power BI matrix view.
Add a Date column or Date Hierarchy to the Category Field in the Visualizations Pane.
Go to the Format Pane, navigate to Facet Filter, and set the View Type to List.
This feature supports both the Date Column and the Date Hierarchy.