Hierarchy Filter
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The Hierarchy Filter View enables users to display and interact with data in a hierarchical structure within the visual. This feature allows easier navigation and filtering of data, especially when dealing with multi-level categories.
Add the required data to the Category field in the visualizations pane.
Go to the Format Pane and enable the Hierarchy Filter Settings to "On."
When Tree Mode is enabled, additional sections for customization become available:
Category Styles: When enabled allows user to customize specific styling for different levels of the hierarchy.
When Category Styles is enabled, node-specific sections like Top Node Style, Parent Node Style, and Child Node Style are disabled.
Filter Type:
Choose from Checkbox, Radio, or List options for selecting items. By default, checkbox is multi select and radio is single select. When the list option is selected, a toggle is provided to enable or disable single select.
Alternate Row Customization:
Enable it to apply alternating background colors for rows.
Customize the background color via a color selection pop-up.
Expand Collapse Icon:
Select Arrow or Plus/Minus as the expand collapse icon from the dropdown list.
Select All Option:
Enable to display a "Select All" option at the top of the hierarchy.
Additionally, customize the label for the "Select All" option using the textbox below it.
Expand to Level:
Configure the "Expand to Level" setting to define the number of hierarchy levels to be expanded in the visual.
Custom Context Menu:
Enable to activate additional options, such as Expand All, Collapse All, and Expand To, accessible via right-click in the visual.
Display Child Count:
When enabled, you can select the child count type as Leaf Count or Immediate Child.
Leaf Count: Shows the total number of child elements at the leaf level.
Immediate Child: Displays the count of direct child elements.
Single Child Display:
When enabled, you can select the display as Display All (XABCN), Display Parent Only (XABC), Display Parent (Multi-Level) (XA), Display Child as Parent (XAN).
Display All (XABCN): Shows all levels.
Display Parent Only (XABC): Displays only the parent level.
Display Parent (Multi-Level) (XA): Displays all parent levels.
Display Child as Parent (XAN): Shows the last level as the parent.
Top Node Style:
Enabled when there are three or more levels in the Category Field.
Customize Font Style as Bold, Italics, or Default, Font Size and Font Color.
Parent Node Style:
Enabled when there are two or more levels in the Category Field.
Customize Font Style as Bold, Italics, or Default, Font Size and Font Color.
Child Node Style:
Enabled when there is only one level in the Category Field.
Customize Font Style as Bold, Italics, or Default, Font Size and Font Color.