Column/Bar charts

1. Basic column charts

  • Axis parameter - Quarter

  • Values parameter - 2022 Actuals, 2022 Plan, 2021 Actuals

  • Chart type - Overlapped column

  • Compares the actuals with the previous year's actuals and plan.

2. Special charts

  • Axis parameter - Month

  • Values parameter - 2022 Actuals, 2021 Actuals

  • Chart type - Side by side bar

  • Shows two measures side-by-side in horizontal orientation.

3. IBCS chart

  • Axis parameter - Month

  • Values parameter - 2022 Actuals, 2021 Actuals, 2022 Plan

  • Chart type - Integrated variance column

  • Plots the AC/PY/PL/FC measures and plots the relative variance for PY and PL as per IBCS.

On-object interactions for bar charts

Let's look at on-object customizations for the bar chart.

1. Changing the measure

When you have a multi-measure bar chart, you can click on a particular bar and choose the measure.

2. Changing the fill pattern

You can choose between solid, outlined, and hatched measure fill patterns. This feature can be used to depict the previous year and forecast bars.

3. Changing the bar color

You can choose a custom color for the bars. The bar color is reflected in the title as well.

4. Enabling and disabling the data label

You can enable or disable the data labels for a particular measure.

5. Navigate to measure management

You can open the pivot data window and configure measures and categories. Learn more about data management.

6. Navigate to measure series

You can open the measure series configuration to:

  • Change the chart type to an area/line/bar for a particular measure.

  • Change the y-axis (Y-axis 1 or Y-axis 2) on which a measure is plotted.

  • Show or hide measures

Learn more about measure series configurations.

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