Radar/Polar charts

  • Axis parameter - Sub Region

  • Values parameter - Actuals, Plan

  • Chart type - Radar/Polar

  • .Description - In a radar chart, each dimension category (Sub Region) is represented by an axis starting from the center of the chart. The value of each measure (Actuals and Plan) is plotted along its respective axis. These plots are then connected to form a polygon, with the shape of the polygon providing insights into the relationships between the variables.

1. Canvas Settings for radar/polar charts

1.1. Series format

You can customize how the measures are plotted by selecting from the drop-down.

1.2. Individual series type

Suppose you are plotting multiple measures, you can choose different options like line, area, column, etc to differentiate between the measures. Disable the Individual series type toggle to plot all the measures with a uniform type.

In the example, we've plotted 2024 Actuals with a line chart, the 2024 Plan with a column, and 2023 Actuals Enhc with an area spline.

1.3. Axis only mode

You can hide the gridlines and display only the axes by enabling this toggle.

1.4. Chart Type

Radar charts display the category while polar charts display the angle.

1.5. Grid shape

You can choose a circular or linear grid.

1.6. Show axis label

You can hide the axis labels by turning off the toggle.

You can also customize the axis label font.

1.7. Show value axis

Display the axis interval values by enabling this toggle.

You can also set a custom font and size for the axis values.

1.8. Show grid layout

Choose to show or hide the axes and gridlines.

1.9. Grid margin

Set the distance between the gridlines and the axis labels.

1.10. Grid line width

You can set the thickness of grid lines using this option.

1.11. Grid line color

Set a custom color for grid lines.

1.12. Auto axis min/max

When this option is enabled, Analytics+ will detect the axis values from your dataset and automatically set the minimum and maximum values.

You can also set custom values by disabling the option.

Last updated