Waterfall charts

1. Single-category waterfalls

  • Axis parameter - Quarter

  • Values parameter - 2021 Actuals

  • Chart type - Vertical Waterfall

  • Description: Represents the contribution of each quarter to the final 2021 Actuals.

2. Multi-category waterfalls

  • Axis parameter - Quarter

  • Small Multiples parameter - Sub Category

  • Values parameter - 2021 Actuals

  • Chart type - Stacked Waterfall

  • Represents the contribution of each quarter to the total Actuals. Within each quarter, the stacks capture the contribution of various product categories to that quarter.

3. Single-measure, no-category waterfall

  • Axis parameter - N/A

  • Values parameter - 2024 Actuals, 2024 Plan, 2023 Actuals, 2023 Plan, 2022 Actuals, 2022 Plan,

  • Chart type - Vertical Breakdown Waterfall

  • Breaks down the contribution of each measure to the total Actuals. Does not require an explicit measure or dimension configuration.

Change the orientation to horizontal by clicking on the orientation icon in the chart-type menu.

Last updated