Bubble charts
Bubble chart
Axis parameter - Sub Category
Values parameter - 2024 Actuals, 2024 Plan, 2023 Actuals
Chart type - Bubble
Description - Bubble charts are particularly useful for datasets with a large number of data points, where the size of the bubbles can provide additional information about the data. The 2024 Actuals and 2024 Plan provide the x and y positions for each product subcategory. The 2023 actuals determine the size of each bubble.
The x-axis and y-axis settings are identical for bubble charts.
1. Small multiples for bubble charts
Unlike other charts, adding a small multiple parameter to a bubble chart will not create a trellis. Analytics+ automatically maps small multiple parameters to the legend data well.
You can assign different markers to identify each small multiple category.
2. Analytics for bubble charts
2.1. Reference lines
For bubble charts, horizontal reference lines are plotted based on the y-axis measure, and vertical reference lines are plotted based on the x-axis measure.
2.2. Reference bands
Like reference lines, horizontal reference bands are plotted based on the y-axis measure, and vertical reference bands are plotted based on the x-axis measure.
2.3. Connector lines
Connector lines interconnect different bubbles and display how the bubbles have been sorted.
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