6.4. Configure dimensions for tables

Analytics+ offers various options to plot your dimensional data. At the end of this section, you will be able to master the various configurations to calibrate your dimensions. Let’s dive in and add some visual parameters!

The Category tab of the pivot data window is where you can configure dimensions, we'll look at how to configure each section.

1. Convert measures into a category

When you have multiple measures in your report - each measure can be displayed in a separate pane by enabling this property. To see how this works, let's add 3 measures.

When we enable the Convert measures into a category option, a Measures Category is created in the Row bucket. The Combine row/column dimensions option is enabled default, let's disable it for now.

Measures category created

When we click on Apply, each measure is displayed in a different row.

2. Combine row/column fields

When you have hierarchical dimensions, you can convert the Hierarchical trellis into a linear trellis by combining rows and columns.  Let's add the product and region hierarchies as shown. The region hierarchy is displayed as columns and the product hierarchy as rows.

Combine row/column fields disabled

When we enable the Combine row/column fields option, the hierarchies are flattened into a linear trellis.

Linear trellis

3. Toggle Axis/Row/Column/Legend

You can switch dimensions between the data wells using the icons - the table is re-rendered seamlessly based on the changed config. Notice how the table is rendered when the row, column, and axis dimensions are switched.

Table rendered after switching dimensions

4. Lock dimensions

Inforiver automatically adds dimensions to the Row/Column/Legend data wells. You can, however, set up a user-defined data configuration and choose to retain it using the lock option, i.e., if you remove and then add a measure back, it will be assigned to the pre-designated bucket instead of the default actuals bucket. The icon changes to, indicating that the dimension configuration has been locked.

Lock dimensions

5. Prompt on data assignment

Enable the Prompt on data assignment checkbox if you want the data configuration window to open automatically, each time you add a visual dimension.

Prompt on data assignment

6. Search and select

Analytics+ allows you to add a large number of dimensions to your visual. You have the flexibility to create ad-hoc reports from within the visual itself.

The Categories section enables you to manage multiple dimensions easily. You can

  • Select the dimensions to render using the checkboxes against each dimension.

  • Search for a specific dimension using the search bar.

Selecting dimensions
Searching for dimensions

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