5.1. Cards - getting started

KPI cards in a dashboard provide a concise, visual representation of key metrics. Each card displays essential information related to a specific KPI, allowing users to quickly grasp and monitor performance without delving into detailed reports. In card mode, we have an interesting feature - multi-row cards with insight charts. Let's cut to the chase and build an insightful KPI dashboard with Analytics+.

  1. We'll switch to card mode and add some dimensions and measures. On initial load, cards are rendered in compact mode.

Adding dimensions and measures in card mode
  1. Let's change the layout to 'Grid' - the cards are bigger and displayed as rows and columns.

Grid layout for cards
  1. We'll render a comparison chart that shows the actuals against the plan and the previous year's actuals. Let's open the pivot data window, then drag the 2023 Plan and 2022 Actuals measure to the comparison buckets. When we apply the changes, the chart automatically changes to an integrated variance chart.

Rendering a comparison chart
  1. We can change the KPI design by applying a built-in preset.

Using presets
  1. Next, we'll insert an insight chart - a summary chart that in this case, shows the overall performance, across all product categories. See how we've created a dashboard with multi-row cards in a matter of minutes!

Insight chart
  1. To interact with your dashboard - highlight data points or view the tooltip - click on the reading view preview icon at the bottom left corner. To switch back to the edit view, click on the pencil icon at the bottom left corner.

Reading view

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