.Tracks the progress based on targets. Explicit measure configuration is not required. The first measure added is used to render the featured measure(bar). The second measure is used to plot the reference line and the third measure to plot the reference marker arrow.
.Tracks the progress based on targets. Explicit measure configuration is not required. The first measure added is used to render the featured measure(bar). The second measure is used to plot the reference line and the third measure to plot the reference marker arrow.
.Tracks the progress based on targets. Explicit measure configuration is not required. The first measure added is used to render the featured measure(bar). The second measure is used to plot the reference line and the third measure to plot the reference marker arrow.
Note: The comparison band options can be accessed from the Conditional formatting dropdown.
1. Canvas Settings for Qualitative bullet charts
1.1. Variance bar option for qualitative bullet charts
Use the Show Variance Bar option under Canvas Settings to highlight variances in qualitative bullet charts.
1.2. Variance position
The variance bar can be rendered outside the Actuals bar or inside it.
Set custom colors for positive and negative variances.
1.3. Invert color
Enable the Invert color toggle to switch the positive and negative colors. In this case, green represents negative variance and red represents positive variance.
Multi-measure bullet
Axis parameter - N/A
Values parameter - Profit, COGS, Sales, Discounts
Chart type - Xviz bullet bar
Ideal for side-by-side visualization of multiple measures with different scaling factors. You can track the actuals against the target simultaneously for all the measures.
2. IBCS bullet charts
IBCS bullet
Axis parameter - Sub Region
Values parameter - 2024 Actuals,2024 Plan
Chart type - IBCS bullet column
.Tracks the progress based on targets. Explicit measure configuration is not required. The first measure added is used to render the featured measure(bar). The second measure is used to plot the target reference line.
1. Canvas setting for IBCS Bullet charts
1.1. Target indicator
Enable the Target Indicator toggle and assign a custom color to highlight the target value.
3. Canvas settings for Bullet charts
3.1. Actual
Set the style (Solid, Hatched, Outline) and color to plot the Actual bar.
3.2. Target
Set the type of target marker - Line/Diamond/Square etc. You can also customize the color and size of the marker as well as the style: Solid/Outline/Hatched/Dashed/Dotted depending on the marker type.
3.3. Target achieved
Enable the Target Achieved toggle to display the percentage of the target achieved in the tooltip.